Friday, February 17, 2017

Family Night

     We have a little tradition at our house. Every Friday night we have family night. We have pizza. We watch a movie, the kids get to take turns choosing which ever movie they want each week. Sometimes family joins us (my sister-in-law usually, she's 11). We must have popcorn and or dessert too.

    This week my sister-in-law is sleeping over. We make a huge blanket bed in the living room. The kids pile nearly all of the extra fleece blankets, comforters, throws, and plush blankets in the middle of the living room. Seriously the comfiest spot ever! Then they bring out a bunch of pillows and stuffed animals and sleep there.
     Some times we bake cookies or brownies too. Often we play games. Splendor is a well loved favorite. Sometimes we play Clue, Monopoly, Uno, Pylos, Goblet, and so many others. Our newest crazy is Exploding Kittens when it comes to playing games.

     During the movie one of the best parts is having some warm, freshly popped popcorn with a surprise. The kiddies absolutely love popcorn with a surprise. I actually got the idea from John and Kate Plus 8 years ago. I make the popcorn and then I add a little treat. Maybe gummy bears, m&m's, or some other type of candy.
     I always love ending our weeks with this routine.

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