Wednesday, February 15, 2017

All About Me!

     Welcome to my blog! Let me go ahead at tell you a little about myself. I am a follower of Christ first and foremost. I have a loving, amazing, super hero of a husband. I am also called Mommy by the 4 best (usually) kids in the world. My children are 11, 6, 3, and 12 weeks.
     I have many hobbies. I enjoy attempting projects off of Pinterest (and usually failing miserably). You will get to see many of my attempts at finding something I am great at right here in the near future, as well as, my epic fails (if I'm not to embarrassed to laugh at myself). I also like to read in my spare time (while I'm breastfeeding... if the other kids are not too crazy... or too loud...). I have been known to davul in cooking and baking, many recipes and how-to's will come your way!
     We happen to homeschool as well. This is our third year homeschooling. I have a 6th grader and a 1st grader. My youngest daughter is 3 going on 4. At our co-op she is in preschool and in the fall will be in the kindergarten class. At home I'm not big on formal preschooling. It's not a walk in the park but it's worth it.
     My goal is to give you a look into my daily life. My ambition to find a hobby and make a side business out of it. My  love of Jesus. My pretty great marriage and usually amazing kids. My struggles and successes with homeschooling. My sweet baby's milestones. With this blog I hope to capture my family's jubilee : ).

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